

Astrology assists with looking deeper into the dynamics of our lives with the added dimension of timing. Just as with the seasons there are best times for cultivating, planting and harvesting, so too in our lives do we have personal seasons. Sometimes we are able to accomplish all we wish to do quickly and with little resistance whereas at other times it feels like we have to push to get things done.

Charts can be done for babies, toddlers, children and adults. At any stage we can get much value from an objective look into the forces in motion in our lives. For babies and toddlers this can be a valuable for gaining understanding into what approach works best for them, how they will learn, their personal relating style and much more.

Charts can also be done for couples wishing to gain insights into their dynamics together and how best to manage these. This also includes any relationships such as business partnerships. It is not just about highlighting these dynamics but problem solving, finding the best way to work with these energies.